Install An Industrial Grade Epoxy Flake Floor In Your Space

Welcome back to our Learning center #LeggariNation! This article will show you how to properly install one of our Leggari Flake Floors using our exclusive Winter Cabin blend. We will show you a step-by-step guide on how to do this from beginning to end! These floors are industrial grade and DIY friendly! Step 1: Mixing…

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Welcome back to our Learning center #LeggariNation! This article will show you how to properly install one of our Leggari Flake Floors using our exclusive Winter Cabin blend.

We will show you a step-by-step guide on how to do this from beginning to end! These floors are industrial grade and DIY friendly!

Step 1: Mixing and Applying Primer

Mixing Leggari EpoxyPin
Applying Leggari PrimerPin

After the floor is prepped and ready to be coated, the first step involves mixing the primer. Our floor is 135 square feet, so we will be using 40oz of primer.

We began by adding the WB primer, part A followed by the WB primer, part B. Our WB primer is a 2 to 1 ratio (2 parts A to 1 part B).

Next, we add the water into the primer. You will want to add 10 percent of water to the mixture, so in this case, 10 percent of 40 (the 40oz of primer), is 4 ounces of water. After you have done that, you are ready to mix. Make sure that you mix both parts together including the water. 

Applying the primer is actually very simple. First, you want to make sure you saturate your roller really well. Next, you begin rolling all of your edges of the floor, and then make your way into the center of it. Apply until there is an even layer on your whole floor space.

Pro Tip: Before applying your primer, a great thing to do that is not required but encouraged is to de-shed your roller with some painter’s tape!

Step 2: Mixing Basecoat of Epoxy

Mixing BasecoatPin
Mixing EpoxyPin

Remember, no overthinking!

When it comes to mixing the basecoat of epoxy, that is all that this step requires. Just remember to follow the instructions for the ratios of all of the products you are using.

It is important to always ensure you use the correct amount of product depending on your square footage.

Step 3: Pouring Base coat of Epoxy


Begin this step by pouring all of the base coat onto the floor. After doing so, use a squeegee as shown in the first picture. Start to evenly spread out the base coat onto the whole floor. Covering your surface with a base coat of epoxy is vital for further steps to come.

After doing so, we took a paint roller and rolled over the entire floor. This allowed your product to even out throughout the floor.

Pro tip: Before you use your paint roller, simply grab some painters tape or even a lint roller and run it across your paint roller, top get rid of excess material. 

Step 4: Adding Flakes


It is now time to add the flakes!

Pour all of your flakes into a bucket and then start to grab handfuls and begin to simply toss them onto the floor. Do not be afraid to overdo it here, completely cover your floor until you can’t see the epoxy base coat with your flakes.

Step 5: Removing Excess Flakes


It is important to remove any excess flakes after letting it set to dry. In the image, you can see how took a long floor scraper to do this. We go through and scrape the whole floor in hopes to get rid of any flakes that did not stick.

The next step is getting rid of all of the excess flakes that you have just scraped off. An easy way to do so is to simply vacuum it out, make sure to get all of the corners of your floor.

Step 6: Last Epoxy Coat


Almost there!

The last step in the installation process will be to add the last coat of Epoxy. Adding this last coat is so important to this process. It will solidify everything you have done to this point.

Final Look


This should be your final product! Remember, depending on what colors you choose to do, it will alter the look. Flake floors are beautiful and easy to install as you can see.

Our Leggari Chip Floor Kits are designed to go right over your existing interior concrete floors. They’re easy to install and easy to maintain. These kits include Primer, Epoxy, and 1/4″ Chips, with an optional Top Coat.